martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

I went shopping, but instead of shoes, I got orchids!!!

Trichocentrum cebolleta
 I think it is a Trichocentrum cebolleta although I am still in doubt so still checking books and orchids pictures to confirm.  Pot was completely full so I decided to repot immediatly dividing the Plant in two.  Both plants are still crowd enough to look beautiful.  It has pseudobulbs so easy to divide. They are now in my living room while they look like this, then I will place them outdoors.

I bought it at Xochimilco, south of Mexico City.


This is a dendrobium, I got it at Rio Verde Orquidiarium located at Temascaltepec, Mexico.  This is a high humidity area in the middle of the mountains where orquids grow naturally.  This nursery is focused on growing mexican species although dendrobiums are not as far as I know.

I also got a paphiopedillum,  it has a bottom, I am waiting anxiously to see it open and see the flower!  I will get the picture for sure as soon as it shows up!.


Meet my new mitoniopsis, it looks like a tulip and only when you see it in detail you will see it is an orchid, this one is purple, picture does not show the beauty of it.

The last but not least see below an oncidium ornithorrhincum, beautifull flowers, with no more than 2 cm diameter, I am noticing that oncidiums have small flowers but not sure yet if I can say all oncidiums have this characteristic yet, still more to investigate about them.
Oncidium ornithorrhyncum


I still have few old NOIDS to find out what are they, can you recognize any of the following ones to help this beginner????

2 comentarios:

  1. You got a what?!?!?!? A Trichocentrum pachyphyllum??? I thought this was a blog about orchids and not about Trichocentrums!!!

  2. Did you see the oncidium ornithorrhyncum???
